A furnace that cannot heat your home efficiently needs an inspection before winter in Germantown, MD. Signs such as a burning smell and humming sounds are most likely signs of an overheating system. Understanding why a furnace overheats is essential for preventing future problems.

Poor Air Circulation

Blocked airflow is a common cause of an overheated furnace. Your furnace will work harder after the vents become clogged with dust and debris. This is usually caused by forgetting to change the air filter regularly.

A clogged air filter also causes other internal components to become filthy. For instance, the coil becomes coated in grime, which prevents heat from moving. Dirty components lead to overheating because the furnace has to work harder to warm your home.

Aging Furnace

Furnaces usually last 15 to 30 years with regular maintenance and inspections. This may be a problem if you recently purchased your home and are unsure of the last inspection. If you know your furnace is reaching the 20-year mark and is experiencing overheating, looking into a furnace replacement may be the best option.

Mechanical Failure

Mechanical failure happens when a furnace works too hard, leading to stress on the fan blower or electrical wiring. Poor circulation or a short circuit can also lead to overheating. A mechanical failure also happens if a part is loose, broken, or malfunctioning.

Poor Maintenance

Failure to maintain your furnace could cause existing problems to worsen. This is yet another reason to schedule regular furnace maintenance with a seasoned Comfort Specialist.

Short Cycling

Short cycling is when your furnace shuts off immediately or before it completes a heating cycle. The problem is usually caused by overheating, a defective thermostat, or an inaccurately sized system. Short cycling puts stress on the motor and will lead to a breakdown.

Failure to address furnace overheating can mean a harsh winter. The sooner you schedule a repair appointment or maintenance visit, the more prepared you’ll be for the cold weather ahead. Contact Eric Smock Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. to schedule your furnace repair service today.

Image provided by iStock

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