Sometimes, it makes more sense to replace your air conditioner rather than repair it. Here are a few ways to determine whether you should repair or replace the AC system in your New Market, MD, home:

Aging AC System

Most air conditioners have a lifespan about 10 to 15 years if you schedule regular maintenance. If your unit is nearing 15 years old, it’s a good idea to replace it rather than repairing it. The money you would spend on repairs is better spent on a new AC system that’s more energy-efficient and doesn’t use the now banned R-22 refrigerant.

Frequent Breakdowns

If you’re constantly having to repair your AC system, it’s time to replace it. A new air conditioning system comes with a manufacturer’s warranty and is less likely to break down. This means no more paying for small repairs that can add up to more than what a replacement would cost.

Expensive Repairs

A major repair, like replacing a compressor or condenser, is costly, especially if your AC unit is out of warranty. You also risk spending a lot of money on an older air conditioner that’s likely to break again. That money could be better spent on a new unit that’s less likely to require a major repair for years. New AC systems also offer modern energy-saving features.

Lack of Regular Maintenance

The trick to your air conditioner achieving or surpassing its expected lifespan is to have it professionally maintained at least once a year. If your air conditioner hasn’t been well-maintained, it may not be worth repairing. Often, it’s better to start over with a new unit and stick to yearly maintenance to get the most out of your investment.

Whether it’s time to repair or replace your AC system, contact Eric Smock Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. We’re here for all your home’s air conditioning repair and maintenance needs.

Image provided by iStock

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