If you’re like many homeowners, you might blast the air conditioner all day on the hottest days. However, this extreme move isn’t always necessary to keep the house cool efficiently. Read on to learn some tips for cooling your Frederick, MD, home efficiently so that you can save money on your energy bills.

Adjust the Thermostat Slightly

The difference that a slight change in temperature can make to your energy bills may surprise you. Adjusting the thermostat by even a couple of degrees can have an effect without drastically impacting your comfort. On more mild days, consider opening the windows instead of using the air conditioner.

Choose a Programmable Thermostat

Getting a programmable thermostat allows you to conserve energy by having more control over the system. For example, you might like the house to be cool when you get home from work. Instead of leaving the air conditioner running at full blast all day, you can program the temperature to decrease shortly before you walk through the door.

Invest in a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat gives you even more energy control over the air conditioner since you can adjust the temperature remotely from your phone. If you’re out for the day and the weather changes to be more clement, you can turn up the temperature at home with your phone. As a result, you can reduce strain on your AC system and pay less for cooling.

Upgrade to Zoned Air Conditioning

A zoned air conditioner allows you to vary the temperature in different parts of the house. This type of system is particularly useful in multi-story houses or for homeowners who rent out part of their dwellings. For example, you could turn the temperature up on the first story while everyone is asleep on the second.

Keeping your house at a comfortable temperature doesn’t have to mean excessive cooling bills. You have plenty of options for cooling the house in a more energy-efficient way. To learn more about how to maximize air conditioning efficiency or to get help with a repair or maintenance need, contact Eric Smock Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today.

Image provided by iStock

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